Needle in A Haystack

My Sect
Just Muslim
Somewhat religious
My Profession
Media Professional
Marital Status
Never married
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
This is the bit I hate but I guess is much needed here. 

I didn't think I would turn to an online marriage site for a husband, but sometimes the best things come out of the unexpected. As I have been busy with settling into my career, I haven't been actively looking for a potential partner. I sort of hoped he would have popped by along my professional journey, but that hasn't happened. I have now decided to be a little proactive with that aspect of my life. 

I am on here as the site have marketed themselves quite well and I am quite intrigued what it may bring. Also my mother (believe it or not) created a profile on my behalf. So I thought I would create my own, of which I would have full control of. Also, she still thinks my favourite programme is Hollyoaks (it really isn't, honest!). So you can see why I needed to intervene.

I am 31 and now find myself ready for marriage. In all honesty, my 20's have been quite selfish, where I concentrated on myself, my family, friends and mainly my career. It's been a learning curve to reach to the point where I am now, where I am ready for my next role as a wife and then a mother (inshallah). 

Though I am serious about the next chapter of my life, I am still mindful to choose the right person. The person we marry plays an important part inthe type of children we will have, so we all have a responsibility to do a favour to our unborn children by choosing that person wisely. 

I run a PR agency and have a few other ventures in the pipeline too. I feel lucky to be doing what I do. However, my work and personal life are two separate parts of my life.

I'm very homely and love my family life and see my extended family regularly as they live nearby. My family mean everything to me, and we are a close knit. After a hard day's work, I love nothing more than closing the door to the world, getting into my PJs. 

I enjoy reading, writing, travelling (near and far) as well as shopping (worry not, I will not be dragging you to the shops - you won't enjoy it and nor will I enjoy your moaning!). I can cook - as you don't know me, this should be just another statement. However, cooking hadn't been my strongest point, but recently I have developed a love for it. I have impressed even myself with my newly found culinary skills. I am actually quite good at it - this week I have made a Fisherman's hot pot, Vegetable Bake, Mince Pies, Smarties Cookies, and Triple Chocolate Muffins (yes, TRIPLE). If this carries on, I should consider the possibility of a cookbook. You won't starve, that's for sure! But it would be great if you can cook too. 

I'm down-to-earth, easy going, relaxed, fiercely independent (so I will pay for dinner too) and incredibly ambitious - but don't let that put you off! I'm not afraid of hard work (at work) but believe it shouldn't be so in a marriage. I don't do petty arguments, dramas or play games. I don't have a dodgy past or any skeletons in my closet. I come from a good family and hold reputation highly (not just because of work). I am not hugely religious, but have a good concept of my deen and regard it as an important part of my life. Having Islam in my life has helped in some difficult parts of life. I would like my future husband to hold core Islamic values and would like to together learn more about Islam. 

I can change a light bulb, assemble a bookshelf and paint a room. I can tolerate watching an episode of Top Gear and a football match - but may have to ask you to keep explaining the 'Off Side' rule to me (which can be comparable to me dragging you around the shops. Ok, possibly quite the deal breaker, in which case, I will try and get my brother to explain this to me). I may have an idyllic view of marriage and hoping to find someone who I can turn to and talk to about everything, be supportive to each other and grow old together. However, life is tough, so having a supportive spouse is a godsend. 

I am currently living in Nottingham (as it is the Midlands, no north-south divide jokes needed). My job does lead me to be in London (and elsewhere in the country) at times. Home for me in the future can be anywhere, due to my love for travel; I am willing to re-locate - at least nationally.

Even though it may feel I have exhausted much of the basis for a conversation, I am sure there is still a lot left unsaid. 

If you haven't been bothered about writing your profile, but want me to contact you to find out more then I won't be interested. If you can't sell yourself, then there are plenty other profiles here. That may sound blunt but it's how it is. 

If I view your profile and have not messaged you, it doesn't mean I'm not interested - sometimes it could be that I am giving you the opportunity to be chivalrous :-) So if you get in touch with more than a "Yo, how you doing?", I will get back to you. 

We may not be each others' potential spouse, so it's important to acknowledge this and be honest about it. Life is tough anyway, so be polite in letting people down, we're all fighting our own battles. I wish you all the best in your search. 

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What I Am Looking For
Essentially and in short, what I am looking for is a husband (not rocket science but possibly worth stating).

I don't have a long list of things I'm looking for; someone good looking (always helps), on my wavelength, great sense of humour, intelligent, ambitious, have a sense of adventure and a little intriguing. Make me laugh (with you, not at you!), treat me well (not like a princess, I'm not 3 years old!), hold an engaging, intellectual conversation (not involving football) and you're half way there. If there's attraction and chemistry - you're three quarters there (still doing the maths?). I'm afraid your look alone won't cut it. After all, you need something to fall back when age takes its toll. 

Age (up to an extent) or race/class is non-issue. I am not being shallow by saying appearance plays apart - but it does and it most probably plays a part for you too. So being aesthetically pleasing to each other is important, but equally personality makes appearances sustainable. I mean, if you are pretty hot looking right now but no personality, that's not going to serve me well when you are heading into your 60's.

I am looking for someone who is or is looking to be Islamically inclined. I hold religious values, always keep halaal but would like to be more practicing in the future. I want to start learning more about Islam and it would be great if I can do this together with my future husband. 

Needless to say, time-wasters need not apply! I am not looking for 'an MSN buddy' or a friend. I am looking for a life partner. This should seem obvious and the whole point of this site, but apparently it's not.  

Your profile is all I have to go on. Therefore, photos of you are sure fire way of getting me to read your profile. With photos, I mean a decent, can-tell-what-you-look-like photo that wasn't taken last decade. Lots of scenery photos make me wonder what you're hiding. Your profile must actually be written, telling me about you. No matter how hot you are, if you can't be bothered to write your profile or copied and pasted quotes, I can't be bothered going further.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
Next year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
My Height
1.60m (5' 3")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Other degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Media Professional
My Job Title
Somewhat religious
My Sect
Just Muslim
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?